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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. Chris Uhlmann  Flannery to continue quest to address climate change  AM - January 26, 2007 
 2. Alexandra Kirk  Budget does not address climate change: Don Henry  PM - 2007 Budget Special 
 3. Gordon S. Fraser, Stephen Vermette  Lecture: Climate Change, Global and Local Effects of a Changing Climate  Buffalo State Podcasts 
 4. Gordon S. Fraser, Stephen Vermette  Lecture: Climate Change, Global and Local Effects of a Changing Climate  Buffalo State Podcasts 
 5. William F. Maddock  Climate Change or Climate Scam?  - 
 6. BBC4  Climate Change Species Change  Not Set 
 7. Indur Goklany, Pat Michaels. Kurt Couchman  What To Do About Climate Change  Cato Institute Hill Briefing 
 8. Catherine Puckett  Help Us Keep an Eye on Climate Change  CoreCast 
 9. Giovanni Verlini  Climate Change  IAEA Talk 
 10. Catherine Puckett  Help Us Keep an Eye on Climate Change  CoreCast 
 11. Cato Institute  hba-climate change--01-28-09  Cato Hill Bfriefing 
 12. Dr Matthew Humphrey  War on climate change?  The University of Nottingham Podcast 
 13. DJ orion  Climate Change  Myspace.com/oriongarcia 
 14. Catherine Puckett  Help Us Keep an Eye on Climate Change  CoreCast 
 15. Scott Horvath  Climate Change  USGS CoreCast 
 16. Catherine Puckett  Help Us Keep an Eye on Climate Change  CoreCast 
 17. James Garvey, Nigel Warburton and David Edmonds  Climate Change  Ethics Bites - Open2.net 
 18. UNFCC Montreal Climate Talks  Biodiversity & Climate Change  Not Set 
 19. Frank Moore For President 2008  on Energy and Climate Change  www.frankmooreforpresident08.com 
 20. WNYC, New York Public Radio  Climate Change and Evolution  The Leonard Lopate Show 
 21. Sir David King  The Challenge of Climate Change  LSE: Public lectures and events 
 22. Frank The Frog & The Pataluoto Swingers  You Control The Climate Change   
 23. Jessica Robertson  Abrupt Climate Change  USGS CoreCast 
 24. Jessica Robertson  Arctic Climate Change  USGS CoreCast 
 25. Jessica Robertson  Arctic Climate Change  USGS CoreCast 
 26. Dale Marshall  Climate change and the provinces   
 27. Andrew Hoffman, Ph.D., Holcim Professor, Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan. An Oppenheim Lecture held February 19, 2009  The Business of Climate Change  UCLA Institute of the Environment 
 28. Living on Earth  Ice & Rapid Climate Change   
 29. Int Rivers Network P McCully  Dams and Climate Change  Not Set 
 30. William A. Pizer  Climate Change Policy  bridges Vol. 9 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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